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Measure of Success
Measure of Success
Progress toward the objectives will be measured by:
Feedback opportunities created for employees to inform management.
Actual observations and anecdotal information collected by management.
Anticipation of and responsiveness to supervisory priorities.
Over the longer term, more effective supervision for accreditation guidelines and expectations.
Value to consulting services
The value of this project appears to be multifold, including:
Improved supervision.
Faster and more appropriate responsiveness.
Protection and retention of key talent.
Demonstration that major changes can be managed by existing staff without loss of focus or effectiveness on normal properties.
Avoidance of productivity loss by employees by focusing on the future and the job outputs, and not the transition and perceived disadvantages.
Joint Accountabilities
You would be responsible for internal scheduling, reasonable access to key personnel, on-site administrative support, and reasonable access to past and current documentation that would aid the project. I would sign all required nondisclosure and confidentiality agreements, and would provide all administrative support off-site. We agree to immediately appraise each other of any intelligence or findings that would impact the success of the project so that rapid action could be considered.
Terms and Conditions
We never assess an hourly or daily fee, since you should not have to make an investment decision every time our assistance may be needed, nor should your people have to seek permission to spend money if they need my help. This is a unique feature of our consulting practice.
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